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  • Writer's pictureNorma Shinn

Embracing the Promise of Easter: Tetelestai, It is Finished

As the spring blossoms begin to unfold, our hearts and minds turn towards the season of Easter. For Christians around the world, Easter holds profound significance as it commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the triumph of hope over despair. At the heart of this celebration lies the powerful Greek word "tetelestai," meaning "It is finished," spoken by Jesus on the cross.

The utterance of tetelestai by Jesus as he hung on the cross holds deep theological and spiritual significance. In the original Greek, tetelestai was often used in the context of financial transactions to indicate that a debt had been fully paid or a contract had been completed. However, when Jesus declared "It is finished," it was a declaration of the completion of his earthly mission - to offer himself as the ultimate sacrifice for the redemption of humanity.

The significance of tetelestai lies in the completeness and finality of Jesus' sacrifice, signifying that nothing more needed to be added to secure our salvation. It is a declaration of the full payment for our sins and the fulfillment of God's plan for the redemption of humanity.

As we reflect on the profound meaning of tetelestai during the Easter season, we are reminded of the immeasurable love and grace of God. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross stands as a testament to the lengths to which God was willing to go in order to reconcile humanity to Himself. In the words "It is finished," we find the assurance that our sins are fully atoned for and that we offered the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

Moreover, tetelestai serves as a source of hope and comfort for all who are burdened by the struggles and challenges of life. In a world marked by brokenness and uncertainty, the declaration of "It is finished" reminds us that we can find true rest and peace in the completed work of Christ. No matter the trials we face, we can find solace in the assurance that the victory has already been won and that we are invited to partake in the abundant life offered through Christ's resurrection.

As we gather with family and friends to celebrate Easter, let us cherish the profound meaning of tetelestai. It is a declaration of hope, redemption, and ultimate victory over sin and death. Let us embrace the promise of Easter with hearts full of gratitude and reverence for the profound meaning of tetelestai. Happy Easter, dear friends, and may the truth of tetelestai resonate deeply in our lives today and always.

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